SCRABBLE (TM) Dictionary : The Family-Friendly Scrabble (TM) Dictionary
SCRABBLE (TM) Dictionary : The Family-Friendly Scrabble (TM) Dictionary
Author: Collins Dictionaries, Collins Scrabble
Published on 3 September 2020 by HarperCollins Publishers (Collins) in the United Kingdom.
Paperback | 832 pages
178 x 111 | 460g
The perfect companion to settle family Scrabble squabbles. This new, easy-to-use, paperback contains words between 2-8 letters in length and gives short, succinct definitions to help players use the best words for their game. Updated with new words from Collins Official Scrabble Words.
The short definitions, given for every main word listed, have been updated for this new edition, and allow players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary.
Collins Scrabble dictionaries are an essential reference for all Scrabble players, from keen regular players to families playing with children.
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